----- TW : December 18th, 2017. Please do not hesitate to leave this post if you feel it is still too difficult to see anything related to this particular date. You are your top priority. Take care, everyone. One year ago today, I suffered the greatest heartache in my life. All I could remember were the cloudy sky, the wind at night, and my attempt to complete the final semester assignment at the time before wailing in my room at midnight while listening to his songs and scrolling my social media timeline, hoping it was just a part of a horrendously written nightmare. Unfortunately, that was not the case. This particular part of SMTOWN's song Dear My Family lingered in my train of thoughts, specially that night on December 18th, 2017. 때론 혼자라고 느꼈을 때가 있었죠 많이 울었던 지난날의 내 모습에 얼마나 마음이 아팠을까요 힘들었을까요 이제서야 난 알 것만 같아요 (There were times when I felt alone Many of my past days were filled with crying How painful must it have been for you How hard must it have been for you Now...
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